Dr. Vaishali Pralhad Prabhudesai
Ayurvedic Physician
Dr. Vaishali Pralhad Prabhudesai is an accredited Ayurvedic Physician practicing
since 1993, with a profound interest in holistic and preventive medicine nurtured
during her medical education in Mumbai.

Dr. Vaishali Pralhad Prabhudesai is an accredited Ayurvedic Physician practicing
since 1993, with a profound interest in holistic and preventive medicine nurtured
during her medical education in Mumbai. She holds a Diploma in Yoga from the
renowned Swami Kuvalayanada’s Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute in Mumbai and
further specialized in Therapeutic Yoga and Naturopathy at Nimbalkar Guruji’s
Yoga Vidya Niketan.
Dr. Vaishali is a founder member and main trustee of the Pratibha Prabhakar Foundation, where she integrated yoga and meditation into the Pratibha Prabhakar Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program after extensive training and practice. Her dedication to assisting post COVID-19 and long COVID patients highlighted the significant role of yoga and meditation in respiratory health, utilizing techniques such Asanas and Pranayama (breathing exercises) to strengthen the connection between the body, mind, and breath.
Her contribution to the field includes active participation in NAPCON 2022 in Varanasi, where she conducted both theoretical and practical workshops, and a comprehensive day-long workshop on yoga, kriya, and meditation for cardiopulmonary physiotherapists. She firmly believes in Ashtanga Yoga and Maharshi Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, advocating their potential to address numerous health issues.
Inspired by the positive impact of yoga on respiratory health during her practice in the pandemic, Dr. Vaishali and Dr. Pralhad Prabhudesai founded the Ushasham Yoga Centre, enhancing holistic care for our pulmonary rehabilitation patients.
Dr. Vaishali is a founder member and main trustee of the Pratibha Prabhakar Foundation, where she integrated yoga and meditation into the Pratibha Prabhakar Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program after extensive training and practice. Her dedication to assisting post COVID-19 and long COVID patients highlighted the significant role of yoga and meditation in respiratory health, utilizing techniques such Asanas and Pranayama (breathing exercises) to strengthen the connection between the body, mind, and breath.
Her contribution to the field includes active participation in NAPCON 2022 in Varanasi, where she conducted both theoretical and practical workshops, and a comprehensive day-long workshop on yoga, kriya, and meditation for cardiopulmonary physiotherapists. She firmly believes in Ashtanga Yoga and Maharshi Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, advocating their potential to address numerous health issues.
Inspired by the positive impact of yoga on respiratory health during her practice in the pandemic, Dr. Vaishali and Dr. Pralhad Prabhudesai founded the Ushasham Yoga Centre, enhancing holistic care for our pulmonary rehabilitation patients.